Welcome to the LoTAG Technical Advisors Group website. The LoTAG Highways Asset Management Forum and its sub-groups aims to provide Coordinated and comprehensive advice and support to technical advisers employed by local authorities directly or indirectly to manage and advise on their services.
Please note that membership is for borough representatives only

LoTAG Highways Asset Management Forum
LoTAG Strategic Transport Form
The London Technical Advisers Group (LoTAG) maintains a technical network for local government professionals and co-opted members in the highway and transport fields. It provides a centre for professional advice and assistance for local policy development and service delivery on a London wide basis.
All the London local authorities and Transport for London are automatically eligible to be members of LoTAG and are represented through the working groups, which meet on a regular basis, usually every 10 to 12 weeks. This enables officers from all these authorities to participate in all LoTAG activities. Whilst there are no membership forms to complete or subscriptions to pay for London meetings LoTAG is part of a national organisation the Technical Advisors Group (TAG) from which policy influence and universal standards evolve. Naturally there is a TAG membership fee if you wish to extend your horizons beyond London. However you feel, just turn up and take part.
LoTAG is the regional grouping of TAG comprising a group of professional officers who advise the London Borough elected members on their statutory duties as the Highway and Traffic Authority
Group 2 Sub-Groups
London Drainage
Engineers Group
LoDEG is an advisory group on matters of drainage engineering and flood risk. It's objective is to promote best practice within the Engineering Community.
London Highways Engineers Group
LoHEG provides a focus for all highway engineering related activities. It seeks to ensure that London is at the forefront of national activity for highway engineering, promoting the needs and views of London highway authorities.
London Lighting
Engineers Group
LoLEG maintains a technical network for the capital's street lighting professionals employed by local authorities
London Bridges
Engineers Group
LoBEG is a technical advisory group on Highway structures related subjects covering strength assessments, strengthening, refurbishment and general maintenance and encourages collaboration on technical matters for London’s bridge engineering professionals employed by the London borough’s.
LoTAG Group 2 Contacts
LoTAG Group 2 Co-Chairs:
Ian Hawthorn: Ian.hawthorn@lbhf.gov.uk
Leigh Boswell: leighboswell@tfl.gov.uk
Sub-Group Chairs and Vice Chairs:
LoBEG Chair: Jasdeep Bhachu
LoDEG Chair: Vicky Boorman
LoHEG Co-Chair: Donna Kelly
LoHEG Co-Chair: James Elliott
LoLEG Chair: Dean Wendelborn
LoLEG Vice Chair: Robert Grove
LoTAG & Sub-Group Administrator:
Angela Ramsier
For any enquiries, questions or comments, please contact Angela Wilson: angela.wilson@lotag.co.uk or fill in the form below:
LoTAG Group 1
LoTAG Group 1 Chair: Dominic Millen